Would you like to leave a legacy of giving for your family as well as future generations?
An Endowment Fund allows you or your family to set up a fund to which you may make either a one-time gift or multiple gifts over time. The Endowment Fund once established will distribute annual gifts to the ministries associated with the Indiana District Of the UPCI that you identify over the term of the endowment. You will be supporting revival at home in Indiana for generations to come.
Indiana has established several endowments to provide growth for future revival, specifically in Indiana. The funds are pooled at our headquarters with endowments from across the country and they will provide a foundation of growth and support not just for Indiana, but for our entire organization. There is a team of professionals who manage and monitor the funds in St. Louis, so the funds are secured and safe.
Endowments provide a long-term location for assets to be donated and protected. In a permanent endowment, the original funds cannot be touched, but the growth from the investments can be invested into projects that are decided on by the respective boards. The NAM fund is presided over by the Indiana NAM department and that board, under the oversight of the Indiana District Board, will provide direction for the investment of the growth of your assets. The other two endowments are presided over by the Indiana District Board directly.
Your assets are both protected and invested, and their growth will provide an unprecedented opportunity to fund future revival and growth. Would you consider investing some of what God has blessed you with into revival for future generations?

This permanent endowment is designed to support the Indiana Camp and Conference Center which is located in Fortville, Indiana. Gifts to this fund are perpetual, meaning the fund assets are designed to be permanent, and only the interest or investment growth will be accessible to invest in the future. This style of endowment is good for long-term projects and certainty for the giver, who knows their money will continue working into the future. These investments can grow a great deal over time, allowing the future campground to be more easily able to be self-sustaining, and protecting it’s growth into the future.
The Indiana Campground has been a place of revival and spiritual growth for Indiana's young people. Pastors, Evangelists, and Missionaries have all testified of receiving a call to ministry from the altars or pews of our campground. It has proven to be a place of consecration and dedication for over 50 years.
We want that heritage to grow brighter into the future, regardless of the changes that come into our society.
This foundation is designed to do exactly that. It is a place for your permanent legacy to be established as a supporter of Apostolic young people, and their calls into ministry. With so many things pulling at our young people it is refreshing to have those who care about more than just their family unit. They care about the young people in the future who will carry the gospel.
The Indiana Conference & Training Center Endowment will protect your assets in perpetuity. They cannot be touched, but the assets invested will continue to grow, and that growth will provide assurance that the opportunity for young people to hear the call of God in their lives will continue. After your voice is no longer heard, your investment will be provided. the foundation for God to continue speaking into their lives.

This is a non-permanent endowment for the benefit of spreading revival in Indiana. It is sponsored by the Indiana department of North American Missions. This fund will support advertising, major events and outreaches to reach the lost of Indiana.
In recent years, the Apostolic church of Indiana has risen to the challenge of reaching Indiana for Christ. Indiana has a record number of Missions works, daughter works, and preaching points established, with hopes and dreams of many more in the future. Our resources are overtaxed, and the needs are always greater than our ability to meet them. We have had a stream of miracles and financial blessings that have enabled us to expand our efforts at reaching our own communities. The Indiana focused NAM Endowment can be part of that ongoing blessing to future revival and growth in our state. A strong Apostolic movement in Indiana is a strong foundation to reach our world. We have many Global missionaries, North American missionaries, and leaders across the country who have come from Indiana and are impacting their world.
The Indiana NAM Endowment will help ensure that our resources will be there to support future expansion of new churches. Church In A Day will have resources to help a church get a great start to growth and revival. Our newest churches will be able to worship in quality facilities that they can be proud to bring their friends and family to. This endowment can be a permanent home for your resources to provide revival in Indiana for years.

This is a permanent endowment which is designed to support church in a day projects across Indiana, and other Indiana Mission related events, such as founding churches and bringing revival to undeserved areas of Indiana.
The church exists to expand its reach into new hearts and lives. Jesus’ mandate is to “Go, make disciples.” We need to be prepared to go. The Indiana District needs backup resources to enable the district to fund revival through advertising, North American Missions revival, literature or just as a resource for a struggling church.
The goal of the Revival And Growth Endowment is to have readily accessible funds that will provide a foundation of support for growth. This is a non-permanent endowment, which means your assets can be invested directly into supporting revival today, along with any growth that they have generated.
We can also invest your capital into Church In A Day projects which expand your blessings to missions churches that will be greatly benefited by such gifts during the trying time of building a new facilities.
We are currently funding this endowment directly to make funds available for our future needs. Please join us in providing opportunities for a missions church to have a revival, or a new area to be reached, or a new project to be completed that supports revivals in our area. Indiana’s Spanish ministries are hosting tent revivals all summer around our state. Ministry like this deserves our support.
These Endowments are invested in the United Pentecostal Church International Endowment Fund, managed by representatives at our Headquarters office in St. Louis, MO.

If you love the apostolic doctrine, you can help to preserve it for future generations by giving now or in your estate plans to one of the Indiana UPCI Endowments based at our headquarters in St. Louis. Your investment will be added to thousands of others across the country, providing growth not just in Indiana, but around the globe. Leaving a legacy of apostolic doctrine can be accomplished through a cash gift, gift of stock, estate gift in your will or living trust, or beneficiary gift of all or part of a life insurance policy.
Your investment into one of our three endowments will pay dividends in revival for years to come. The two permanent endowments will provide a foundation of stability and growth for decades. The non-permanent endowment will provide support for ongoing revival projects such as, revivals in target areas and assistance with ministry related needs.